I'm born in 1976, Luxembourgish, and I started my career with scientifical studies resulting in a physics Phd.
My curiosity and my desire of evolving, evolving, with in particular an inner work on myself aled me to expand my horizons, to go beyond the so called classical science, to discover other realities . . .
This path and this inner exploration permitted me to express more and more my creativity, particularily through the creation of Mandalas. Mandalas have always fascinated me. These circular patterns converging towards a centre, based on ancient traditions, are used across cultures (the Mandalas of the tibetan buddhists, the rosettes of gothic cathedrals, the native american medicine wheels, . . . ), are found in nature (snow cristals, starfishs, flowers, . . . ) and are used by lot of therapists within art-therapy.
I am also a freelance Webdesigner (Website Creator), an activity that allows me to combine my technical skills with my creativity and to contribute to other people's projects. More infos on my website: www.web-crea.lu
In 2011, I created almina.lu , a network for sharing alternate informations in Luxembourg and Greater Region.
My motto : "Make your Life a Work-Art; Be the Work-Art"
My creations:
My creations reflect the influence of traditionnal Mandalas (these circular drawing, converging towards a center and representing the visible world outside us and the invisible world in our deepest inner being), elements of sacred geometry, resonance patterns, as well as music (trough my soledine software that permits to visualize sound waves)
In my creations, the central point plays an essential role. It represents both the idea of being centered and the idea of being in the here and now (l"'Instant Présent", the present moment).
This results in balancing shapes, contributing to well-being and recentring.
For the benefit of preserving the natural ressources of our planet, my recent creations are made on basis of old newspaper. Would you have guesed it by looking at them ?
By buying my creations, you support a self-employed luxembourgish artist.
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