I will have a stand at local Spring Market on 18.03.2023 at Facilitec (Esch-Alzette)
Entrepreneurs, crafts, food of course, cooking, cosmetic, zero waste, DIY workshops... In a spring atmosphere as we like it here: friendly, bonding and learning!
This event is Familly Friendly!
We can't wait to see you on March 18th between 12 and 6pm at Facilitec,
(access 7 rue Berwart, Esch-sur-Alzette) !
I will be present with my Mandala creations : panels, camdel holders, stones, stone cases, spheres (new !), pendants, ... 
I will be happy to meet you there,
Mireille Dondlinger - Instants Présents
 marche printemps local
FaLang translation system by Faboba

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